Let me know if you'd like a free massage or if you want to trade massages. I don't think their is anything sexier than a beautiful woman dressed up in a skirt or dress.The thoughts of being able to make love their and then, weather it be in a forest or on a train is a real turn on. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely something to be said about men my age and experience, those that make you instantly wet with that first kiss.
If it exists. Ideally open, honest, and straightforward with what they want and who they are. I would describe myself as very attractive with a great physique. Im into most everything...if it gets you horny ill try it.
Female must be bisexual..WOMEN. Dating in Gainesville, FL.I am open to anything from just friends, To FWB. Easy going, open minded professional guy, who's looking for some company with good sense of humour.
I'm little bit chubby 42yrs old black female, recently single woman.She likes em tall and I'm 6'1" so at least 6' or better or bring ya a game. Preferably local or within reasonable traveling distance, to be able to meet on a somewhat regular basis as schedules allow.
Not getting attention I need so here for some nsa fun. Not looking for sex. Weekdays during the daytime are best for me. Family and friends.